Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Ahhh the good ol’ days….

For the past…year or so, I’ve been going on a little nostalgia trip, as in looking back at the things that were around during when I was still very young such as songs, movies, TV shows, etc. Eventually I went all the way back until I was around 4 to 8 years old living in China. It was then that I realized how much I miss those days. Now all that is very understandable but what I’m about to say next might not be…cause the thing is, when I was living in China, my family was…not exactly top middle class leveled…like we were sort poor. My parents and I used to live in a shaggy little apartment, floors were made of granite and other rocks…our stoves used gas instead of electricity, and our toilet was the squat toilets, not the ones that you can sit down on. We didn’t have to struggle for our life to get by every day but it wasn’t that easy as well. The reason why I miss those days was because, believe it or not, the less things that you have in life, makes life itself so much more sweeter and meaningful.

As a kid, I didn’t have an N64, SNES, and all the fancy things that turns people into couch potatoes. The best things that I got were Ultraman action figures that my friends gave me because they didn’t want to play with it anymore, some toy cars, and…well…my childish imaginations...and a TV. However, I cherished all that. I didn’t care about the fact that I didn’t have a game system, because I didn’t know what a game system was, I didn’t know any better. When I used to walk around a toy store, I wanted to buy so many things so badly. However I knew that I couldn’t have them because of my conditions. That’s why as a child I never spazzed or cried out loud in public cause my parents won’t buy me something. If I wanted to get something, like a typical Asian kid, I had to work hard for it. I had to get 100% on my language test or something along the lines of that just to get a toy that costs 14 - 50RMB (divide that by 6 or 7 and that’s roughly how much it is in Canadian/US dollars). I guess it was my parents’ way of teaching me that everything in life comes at a price. However I didn’t feel that it was unfair that my parents made me do this, because in the end, I was happy to get my toy and I felt good about it because I worked hard to earn it. Also, since we didn’t have machines to do house chores for us, I had to do the dishes while my mom cleans the kitchen, and I had to do my own laundry BY HAND with those primitive scrubbing boards =.=

Basically my point is that there will always be people in this world that has it worse than you or me…that’s why I see myself as a spoiled brat now…but really, I do miss those days now, life was so much more sweeter…I lived more than I did now, people saw me as a lively happy child. Now I think people see me as an Asian kid who has no life, sits at home and does music. It’s true, I don’t have much of a life compared to when I was a kid. I used to go outside every day to explore and learn about the world and to enjoy the outside. Now, since there’s nothing outside besides the cold weather, I mostly stay at home and do whatever…how I want to once again smell the fresh aroma of spring and summer, feel the warm weather and the relaxing breeze for longer than 4 months, and not having to endure 8-9 months of harsh winter. Most importantly I want to be a kid again, not having to worry about a thing…that’s what I want again…but then again, I’m not a kid anymore so I can’t get whatever I want now…

Friday, June 26, 2009

R.I.P Michael Jackson

Some of you might have already seen my new YouTube video regarding this topic but it's Day 2 and I still can't accept the fact that he's ACTUALLY dead! I turned on the news yesterday and headline "Michael Jackson Dead" my head just went light right at that instant and I yelled very loudly "WHAT??" even though there was no one home. My eyes were glued to the TV screen and hearing everyone say what's been going on and I'm just sitting there going like...noo....effing....way......

The reason why I've admired and respected this man for those of you who don't know yet is because, ever since I was little, around 5 years old like ever since my aunt showed me the "Billie Jean" music video, suddenly this unexplainable feeling of joy and happiness just surged through my body, and IMMEDIATELY I was hooked. The guy had such a unique voice, so soulful and strong! His dance moves were also so sharp and so awesome and cool I was instantly inspired. I would watch his music videos over and over again, sometimes I would dance and sing to his songs even though back then the only words in English I knew was "yes" and "no". I'd also take a sweeper and pretend it's a guitar, that was how much I wanted to be like him and how awesome he is along with his talent in singing and dancing.

His death seemed a little TOO soon for me...I'd always think he would die around the time I'm 30 or something...and also, watching him perform and his mvs he seemed to have surpassed the boundary of being human, so I thought he could get through everything...apparently not...unless this whole thing was a scam and he's actually not dead...

I've never noticed this before, but he didn't seem to have played such a big part in my life before, but now that he passed away it feels like everything that he's ever built up that's a part of me is just sort of gone...like it feels empty inside in some places now...before it was like "okay he's alive and he's awesome" now it's just like "he's dead...I can't believe it...now what am I gonna do..." especially the fact that he's always been a huge inspiration to me and he's the one that built up my interest in my music. Now some parts of that feels like it's gone, but some parts will still always remain.

R.I.P Michael Jackson! You will always be my #1 inspiration! Thank you for these many great years of music and memories!!

This is the music video that got me interested in guitar.
Michael Jackson - Black Or White
First time watching it I was like hooollyyy guitarr....so coolll....so sexyyyy...sound.....*drooooll*

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Welcome ;)

Hello everyone! Welcome to my personal blog. You can get an insight into what's going on with my personal life and maybe get to know me better! haha~

If you're coming from YouTube, nice to meet you again! :D

For those of you who don't know me, I am a Chinese-Canadian artist. My style is Alternative rock and I'm currently in the phase of experimenting and studying different types of music from all around the world (mainly Asian music for now). My main instrument is the guitar, however I also play the piano, bass, a little Drum, Trumpet, Chinese flute (Xiao), Erhu, Chinese Harp, a little violin, and vocal.

I've been playing guitar for 3 years self taught and I am definitely looking forward to improving more and more

My goal and my dream is to get a record deal in Asia in either Korea, Japan, Taiwan/China/HK

Nice to meet you all~!